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Jersey Stamp Booklets
1969 2s Map (SB1)
1969 7s contains 12x4d, 6x5d, 6x1d (SB2)
1969 10s contains 14x4d, 12x5d, 4x1d (SB3)
1971 10p Martello Tower with Wide Margin at Bottom (SB4)
1971 10p Martello Tower with Wide Margin at Top (SB4a)
1971 35p The Royal Court (SB5)
1972 20p Green Jersey Cow Containing 8x 2½p
1972 30p Portelet Bay
1972 50p La Corbiere Lighthouse (SB9)
1973 10p Legislative Chamber margin at bottom (SB10)
1973 10p Legislative Chamber margin at top (SB10a)
1973 20p Grey Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust Containing 8x 2½p
1973 30p Jersey Wild Flowers (SB13)
1973 50p English Fleet in the Channel (SB14)
1974 20p Spectacular Bear (SB15)
1974 30p White Eared Pheasant (SB16)
1974 50p Thick Billed Parrot (SB17)
1974 10p Jersey Airport margin at bottom (SB18)
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